What is the purpose of the veterans services program?

    The goal of the veterans services program is to connect veterans and their families with knowledgable staff that can help to navigate the uncertainty of the VA. Veterans Services staff will be qualified to speak to the VA in behalf or with a veteran and help answer questions around the submission and decisioning of claims.

    We would also like to make sure the veterans services office is a place where veterans can feel connected to community and feel confident that they have resources available.

    How do I know my information is held confidential?

    All staff will be properly trained in the handling of individual claims. They are taught on how to maintain the confidentiality of clients and if they do not are at risk of losing their ability to act as a veterans services officer.

    Will there be an office?

    Yes, there will be an office dedicated to this program and will be open the same hours as the main City offices.

    Will this be a service for a fee?

    No, the office will run on City funding and donations only so as to keep the services available to all veterans and their families regardless of financial status.